Research of Consequence

Our faculty and students work to generate novel information about meaningful issues. The faculty have a large number of research grants, publications, and presentations. Moreover, our students are also highly productive in research presentations and publications, and in securing their own grant funding.


Faculty and students use advanced methodologies (ecological momentary assessment, experimental paradigms, fMRI studies, longitudinal designs, clinical trials) and sophisticated quantitative analysis (e.g., multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling) to answer complex questions. Furthermore, we view clinical psychology from both a social psychological and contextual lens, to provide novel perspectives on clinical phenomena. Much of our research centers on underserved populations that are at high risk and in high need of help, including jail inmates, military service members/veterans, court-referred at-risk youth, domestic violence survivors, and others. We also focus on both alleviating distress and promoting well-being in individuals.


You can learn more about the research going on in our program through our lab websites.